Stop doing things you know you shouldn’t be doing

It’s a strange thing how we can find ourselves repeatedly doing things that we know we shouldn’t be doing. We often cling onto those things the hardest because sometimes those things offer security and comfort. A few years back the only way I could fall asleep was by binging on TV shows until I passed out – I knew it wasn’t a good thing but it offered me comfort and I didn’t want to stop doing it even though I knew I should.

If you’ve made it this far, then I’d love it if you’d do a little exercise with me – grab a pen and some paper and let’s get started.

  1. Spend 5 minutes writing down things that you know you shouldn’t be doing.
  2. Pick one thing thing from the list that seems like it would be the easiest to quit.
  3. Ask yourself why you’re doing it – no need for a definitive answer, but it’s good to try and identify what draws you towards it.
  4. Make it visible – write it on post-it notes and stick it on your fridge, computer screen or wherever. You could even add a daily reminder on your phone that pings you the same time each day.
  5. Stop doing it, or at least do less of it!

I did say that I’d do this exercise with you so here it goes. I’ve been having a lot of trouble with procrastination lately and whenever I sit down to work I have YouTube videos playing on in the background which just ends up distracting me. I know that the reason I have them on is because I’m afraid of boredom and silence. I really don’t want to give up the videos but I know that they’re messing up my schedule and it’s time to stop.

Anyway, that’s all for now. Today’s track turned out quite awful and I’d urge you not to listen to it – don’t say I didn’t warn ya!

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